
The Art of Being Dangerous In Your Business & Personal Life

“You need to go where it’s dangerous, and you’ve got to stay dangerous when you get there”

And by dangerous I mean savage. And by savage I mean relentless. And by relentless I mean counterintuitive. And by that I mean doing what others won’t do.

A man is better to be bad and choose not to be, than a good man who hasn’t the courage to be bad. And that, in itself, is uncomfortable. Being uncomfortable is the energy of success.


  • Master your skills
  • Create a Dream Team & train them
  • Have the ability for staff and people to grow with you
  • Good Public Relations
  • Knowing your numbers & stats
  • Saying what you mean, and meaning it
  • Quitting on the wrong thing. Right away, not dragging things out
  • Moving people, things, pieces as they need to be
  • Simplifying the complex
  • Allowing others to replicate you for speed and excellence in your work
  • Completing what needs to be done
  • Being Certain, Is better than being right
  • Never doubt your choices
  • Ca$hflow
  • Systems and processes—scalibility


  • Pursue you, you know what you’re meant to do. Never stop it for anyone.
  • Master your Body Clock
  • Master your Mental
  • Master your peak times of performance
  • Master your own truth. What’s true for you is true for you, don’t seek others input
  • Let things get to you. Take it personally. Then fix it.
  • Relationships – Family, self and those around you.
  • Stay ‘on’ when you need to, stay ‘off’ when you need to
  • Physical appearance, looking clean, feeling it
  • Take responsibility – for your own problems, your own choices.
  • Asking for help, and using it where and when you need to
  • Character – Your business is who you are
  • Recover quickly – No matter what goes on

So to continue to feed your potential.

& If you can do more, you must
Stay dangerous.

#levelup #staydangerous

Karly Reimers
Author: Karly Reimers

Property Acquisitions & Development