
The Way to Happiness

Re – worked Edition: Karly Reimers 

21 July 2021

Your survival is important to me. As are true joy and happiness. And If one does not survive; no joy and no happiness are obtainable.

Trying to survive in a chaotic, dishonest and generally immoral society is difficult. And any individual or group who seeks to obtain from life – what pleasures and freedoms they can – can also be threatened by the bad actions of others around them while they do. Your own happiness can be turned to tragedy and sorrow by the dishonesty and misconduct of others, even when you yourself have remained true. I am sure you can think of instances of this actually happening. Such wrongs reduce one’s survival and impair one’s happiness, and ability to prosper. And thus, whilst taking full responsiblity for each self (individual) it can be seen that there are MANY other principles that must be met on The Way To Happiness, should you choose to seek it

Without too much trouble, using this book, you can help them survive and lead happier lives while you yourself flourish and prosper regardless. While no one can guarantee that anyone else can be happy, your chances of survival and happiness can be improved. And with yours, theirs will be.

It is in your power to lead by example and show the way – to a more valuable and rich life..

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1. survival: the act of remaining alive, of continuing to exist, of being alive.

2. happiness: a condition or state of well-being, contentment, pleasure; joyful, cheerful, untroubled existence; the reaction to having nice things happen to one.

4. chaotic: having the character or nature of total disorder or confusion.

5. immoral: not moral; not following good practices of behavior; not doing right; lacking any idea of proper conduct.

Karly Reimers
Author: Karly Reimers

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