
Constructive Vs Corrosive Criticism

Sometimes it’s tough to pick the right people to work with. Sometimes it’s even tougher to see the ones in your organisation who may also need handling.

Here’s a quick look at the difference between constructive and corrosive criticism. The solutions to the latter being either removal, or handling. There is no other way. Constructive – clear, direct, honest, and easy to implement. It provides specific examples and actionable suggestions for positive change. This type of feedback also highlights ways the recipient can make positive improvements in their behavior to minimize future problems. And to benefit all parties and team members to grow, happily and productively.

Corrosive – tending or able to destroy, weaken, or wear away little by little. This type of behaviour Intentionally minimises those doing well, and belittle on purpose, as they see them as threatening. This is destructive in the workplace and unnecessary. Can also be seen quite often in social settings. Deflating the performance and spirit of individuals and other members eventually, one by one.

There is nothing more satisfying than working with an effective, fun, safe, and productive team. You should enjoy your work, and we hope you can take notice of the positives should they be there. And not take your team for granted.

Which way do people ask you to improve?

How are you with others?

Which way do you prefer?

Karly Reimers
Author: Karly Reimers

Property Acquisitions & Development