
Barriers & Belief

So I came across a paragraph the other day in reference to barriers and self imposed barriers. In the page, it described so eloquently a useful description of this phenomena, so I just thought it would be wonderful to share.

Imagine some fish for a moment, I immediately thought of those large orange and white KOI fish of course (so majestic), casually swimming in a pond they are so familiar with. In this pond, they know everything – every crack and crevice, even their top speed which they can dash from one side to another without smashing into the edge. It’s In this pond that they are also very afraid. You see, the top of this pond has those beautiful white-flowered green lily pads scattered upon it, and these lily pads cast large shadows through the water. It is in these shadows which the fish do not swim through for fear of death.


They’re afraid of what might happen if they do, they have no idea what is in there and they have no other viewpoint to see from.

In reality, as you and I look into this pond from above, we can see these lily pads do no harm at all. If anything, they provide shade to the fish of the pond on a hot day, and protection from birds above. But the fish cannot know this. How could they? Why would they believe us even if we told them?

They (like us sometimes) can’t see beyond the shadows. and they haven’t witnessed for themselves or known any other fish that had swum through them successfully. And It’s with this train of thought that the strength of their belief in the shadows being death, that they become mentally entrapped by it.

So just like the barriers we impose on ourselves (knowingly or unknowingly) so too – are the shadows for the fish.

Why are barriers hard to escape from? Good question. And it’s more to do with scarcity of – knowledge – data – example – than anything else logical. So how do we remove it? Also good question. All of these self erected barriers can be helped. You simply need to firstly believe it can be. That’s surely a great start. To be willing, and able to believe something other than what you know to be true.

Similarly we see how – the media, ATO, interest rates, inflation, lending, saving, earning, covid, returns, property, business and so on is a way of believing without truly knowing.

So to do things regardless of what is happening seems a lot like ‘seeing through the shadows.’ But it can be done. You just need to follow those who have night vision.

(Metaphor in use).

There are no limits or barriers to your ability in this world unless you believe there are.

What are the shadows in your life?

Have you looked? 

Karly Reimers
Author: Karly Reimers

Property Acquisitions & Development