
75 Ways To Acknowledge People Around You

75 Ways to Acknowledge People Around You & Make Them Feel Valued

In a fast paced and busy world we live in, sometimes we forget the small stuff. But in-fact, it’s the small stuff that really makes your team, your clients, and the people around you feel valued on a daily basis.
I certainly need to keep these in the back of my mind and work on using them much more often, especially when we expect things to be done, and expect it done yesterday.
These have helped me raise my communication with people, how they perceive me, and whether or not they feel valued in my presence, so I hope they only serve as just as valuable for you.
You can print these sentence re -‘MIND’-ers out next to your computer in case you need to catch yourself during the day. And be sure to let me know if they’re useful for you too.

Acknowledge someone to feel ‘heard’ when they’re talking to you:

1. I agree
2. I’m with you
3. You’re right
4. I hear you on that
5. Thankyou
6. That’s good
7. That’s fine
8. That’s okay
9. Okay
10. Thankyou for sharing that
11. Thanks for telling me that, I didn’t know
12. That’s unfortunate
13. Isn’t it!
14. I’m not sure
15. Id love that
16. Yeah, sometimes
17. That’s not good
18. Not particularly
19. That’s amazing!
20. Sounds great!
21. Great!
22. Wonderful!
23. Sure thing
24. It must be
25. That’s fantastic
26. Truly
27. Yeah, okay
28. I understand

How to thank /praising acknowledgements:

29. Brilliant job!
30. Outstanding work!
31. This is truly above and beyond.
32. This is exactly why we need you.
33. This is superb!
34. I appreciate you
35. I had no idea a document could look this good.
36. To be honest, when we started the project I wasn’t sure we could pull this off but you certainly did it and did it well.
37. I’m so fortunate to have you on our/my team.
38. This is so great I think others could benefit from learning about it. Can I share your work at our team meeting/with my peers/with my boss, etc.?
39. You set a high bar with this one.
40. This showcases you are a role model and leader in our organization.
41. Thank you!
42. Good work, as always.
43. Thanks for getting this done.
44. You are a lifesaver.
45. Thank you for pulling everyone/everything together on such short notice.
46. I appreciate you getting this to me so quickly so I have time to review it.
47. Thanks for your help today.
48. Thanks for your good work this week.
49. Thanks for stepping up and getting this done for us.
50. I don’t know what I would do without you.
51. Perfect!
52. Thanks, this is exactly what I was looking for.
53. Wonderful, this is more than I expected.
54. This is so great I don’t need to make any revisions to it at all.
55. I appreciate your critical thinking around this project.
56. Well done—and ahead of deadline too!
57. You are such a team player.
58. You are so creative—I always love getting your perspective on things.
59. You consistently bring your all and I truly appreciate that.
60. I am so proud/glad/lucky to have you part of my team

When someone isn’t doing things correctly:

61. Know & understand what you’re asking for, be very specific (unless you’re a mind reader)
62. Be sure this task has an ideal outcome they can compare their work to (this allows them to see the standard they are working towards)
63. Be sure that what you’ve asked them for can be measured in some way
64. Ask them what’s right with it (this will allow them to see for themselves the differences and correct it if necessary)
65. Understand they will never be you, but they will learn from you by how you teach them. Be conscious your teaching is to the standard you’re expecting in return.

Some other sentences you might find valuable:

66. This took forever/Sorry for the delay VS Thanks for your patience
67. My schedule matters/my time is valuable VS is there any reason you won’t be there on time?
68. I cant do it then VS could you do X time instead?
69. No problem VS always happy to help
70. I know that VS thankyou, I’ll keep that in mind
71. You’ve got to be joking/ that’s impossible VS How do you suggest we/I do that?
72. There’s no way that’d work VS How do you see that working?
73. Where is the task VS when can I expect and update from you?
74. If you mess something up, and they call you out for it:
I completely fucked it up, why do I suck VS Nice catch, thanks for letting me know. It’s great to see you paying that much attention to my work.
75. Do you even get it VS would you remind repeating back to me your understanding of what I’ve just said?

Hope you enjoyed.

If there’s any other areas you would like me to explore with this, DM me or email me at [email protected].

Kind regards,
Karly Reimers

Karly Reimers
Author: Karly Reimers

Property Acquisitions & Development